Rabu, 22 April 2009

E-Book 129 Teknik Profesional Photoshop CS3

Pada buku ini, penulis menggunakan ratusan gambar serta teks yang jelas untuk membantu Anda mempelajari dan menguasai Photoshop CS3 dengan cepat, tanpa membuang waktu terlalu lama.

Buka buku ini, lihat, pelajari, dan kerjakan teknik-teknik yang ada dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah yang diberikan, lalu ikuti garis penghubung dilanjutkan dengan melihat gambar yang ada. Selanjutnya Anda akan memahami maksud, kegunaan, serta tujuan dari teknik yang diberikan.

Meskipun buku ini lebih membahas teknik profesional Photoshop CS3, hampir semua teknik yang dibahas dapat dilakukan menggunakan Photoshop versi sebelumnya (versi CS dan CS2). Materi yang dibahas akan menuntun Anda untuk menjadi profesional dalam memperbaiki dan memanipulasi foto digital serta mahir dalam bidang olah digital imaging.

Editor's Note :
• Berisi 129 teknik profesional mulai dari tingkat pemula hingga tingkat lanjut
• Materi disampaikan secara praktis, instan, dan langsung ke sasaran
• Seluruh pembahasan dicetak dalam tampilan penuh warna (full color).

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E-Book Hardcore Windows XP [ILLUSTRATED] (Paperback)

Take control of Windows XP and get the most out of everything this powerful operating system has to offer. Written by micr*soft Windows XP Expert Zone columnist Joli Ballew, this book shows you hundreds of tips and tricks you’ll be able to use right away. Learn to do everything from kick starting the boot process to disabling unnecessary applications and services to taking advantage of built-in administrative tools. Start at the beginning or jump straight to the task you want to perform. You’ll get full details on security and Service Pack 2, remote access, gaming functions, networking features, multimedia capabilities, and so much more. Work faster, smarter, and more securely with help from this definitive guide.
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Selasa, 21 April 2009

Portable Adobe Photoshop CS3 Final

It’s hard to believe, but Photoshop is nearly 20 years old. The original Apple Macintosh version was written in 1988 by brothers Thomas and John Knoll. The first full version published by Adobe appeared on the Macintosh in 1990. The entire program came on a single 1.44MB floppy disk.

Photoshop has grown and changed over the years, but has always incorporated the latest developments, reinforcing its position as the industry standard for professional image editing. The first Windows version (v2.5) appeared in 1992, layers were introduced in version 3.0 in 1994, multiple undo history in version 5.0 in 1998, and camera RAW support was added with version 7.0 in 2002. The concept of Creative Suite, incorporating and harmonising a whole range of Adobe’s other programs, including ImageReady, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, Encore and AfterEffects, was introduced in 2003 along with Photoshop 8.0, known as Photoshop CS. An update, unsurprisingly called Photoshop CS2, came along less than two years later in April 2005, adding many new features such as Smart Objects, a red-eye tool and the invaluable Spot Healing brush.

Here we are now in May 2007, and it’s update time again. This time it’s Photoshop CS3, significantly the tenth version of the program, and the most ambitious to date. It’s also somewhat larger than that original version 1.0, since it comes on a DVD and requires 1.5GB of disk space for installation. Version 10.0 improves many existing features, adds some surprising new ones, and also greatly improves the appearance of the user interface, something which has needed doing since version 7.0. Photoshop is launched along with the rest of the newly revamped Creative Suite 3, but is of course available as a stand-alone program.

Click for full size

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Portable TuneUp Utilities 2008

Here is a review or walkthrough of TuneUp Utilities 2008. The TuneUp Utilities claims to be able to increase a computers performance by cleaning the registry, effectively defragmenting the hard drive and preventing unwanted programs from starting up with Windows. The TuneUp Utilities package claims it can free up hard drive space and organize all those Gigabytes you have accumulated on the disk. This program has many features packed into it to help speed up and maintain you computer. I wanted to put TuneUp Utilities to the test.

The system used for this review of the TuneUp Utilities 2008 has an Intel Core 2 Duo 6300 processor running at 1.86GHz with 1.00 GB of RAM. How much more speed can I get out of this system? TuneUp Utilities 2008 says it can optimize a computer to its best performance.

The system currently boots up from a cold start to a usable desktop in 48 seconds. The Task manager shows about 551 megabytes of available physical memory. The TuneUp Utility claims to be able to increase the available resources on a computer. After the optimization process, I expect to see a faster boot time and an increase in available physical memory.

Physical Memory Available before running TuneUp 2008

The first thing to do is to download and install the TuneUp Utilities 2008 program.

TuneUp Utilities 2008 Setup Wizard

During the installation one screen came up that may be of interest. The program asks how it should integrate with the Operating system. I chose all of the options available.

TuneUp Options Availble During Setup

After you have opened and registered TuneUp Utilities 2008, this is the screen you will see first. This is the main interface. Here is where you can accelerate the start up of Windows applications by doing a drive defrag. There is also a Startup Manager to control which programs start at as Windows starts. A Registry Defrag, a Memory Optimizer and System Optimizer are also accessible from this screen.

All of those utilities are available just from the increase performance tab. There are five other utility tabs to explore. When I bought TuneUp Utilities 2008, I did not realize that it had so many functions built into the program. I am going to have fun with this one!

For the purpose of this tutorial, I want to increase performance. The Increase Performance tab looks like a good choice for this task. I clicked on the TuneUp Drive Defrag for starters.

The Main Interface of TuneUp Utilities 2008

I received a nice welcome telling me why a drive defrag was so important. It is because increasing fragmentation can cause your hard drives to continually slow down, because files are no longer stored on a single unit and need to be searched at different locations. I clicked to continue.

Welcome to TuneUp Drive Defrag

The TuneUp Drive Defrag allowed me to choose which drives to defrag. I'm thinking that the only drive that needs defragging to increase performance would be the C drive so I chose that and clicked next.

Choose which Drive to Defrag

I then clicked on the TuneUp Startup Manager from the main interface and it showed the following screen. I could not find anything to uncheck to make the system start up faster. They are all legitimate start up programs as far as I could tell.

TuneUp 2008 Startup Manager

The next step is to select the TuneUp System Optimizer to see what it could do for the system. From this screen you can accelerate downloads and Internet surfing, optimize your computer configuration and view some tips for configuring your computer. I chose to accelerate downloads and Internet connections.

TuneUp System Optimizer

The TuneUp Utilities 2008 said that my TCP/IP Internet Protocol and Internet Explorer were not optimal so I Smacked Next to fix this problem.

TuneUp Optimizer Found Problems

When it was done optimizing the optimizer told me that I needed to reboot so the changes could take effect. I wanted to make this project a success so I rebooted.

When the computer rebooted, I checked went back to the TuneUp System Optimizer screen and clicked to optimize my computer configuration and then viewed the optimization tips. None of the options seemed to be able to affect the performance of this computer. I proceeded to click the TuneUp Registry Defrag button. The TuneUp Registry Defrag creates a new registry and eliminates all structural mistakes and defects thus optimizing my computer. I clicked next.

Welcome to TuneUp Registry Defrag

The utility then told me that the registry was analyzed and that it could decrease the size by 4%. I wanted an optimized registry so I clicked finish.

The Registry was Analyzed

Then TuneUp Utilities said it needed to reboot to finish the operation so I smacked the Yes button to reboot and optimize now.

Reboot Required

The last utility to run is the TuneUp Memory Optimizer. I just let it AutoOptimize but there are several manual optimizations you could do if you so desired. I wanted to let the TuneUp Utilities 2008 program do what it thought best. The TuneUp Memory Optimizer showed that this computer has 607 Megabytes of available memory. That is quite an improvement from the initial 551 Megabytes that was available before running the TuneUp Utilities 2008 program.

TuneUp Memory Optimizer

Indeed the Windows Task Manager agrees with the TuneUp Memory Optimizer with about 605 Megabytes of available physical memory. Quite an improvement and I haven't even used all of the utilities that this program is packed with.

The boot time of the computer also improved by 5 seconds. The TuneUp Utilities 2008 accomplished everything that it said it could do. The utility noticeably increased the system performance by freeing up available physical memory by 56 Megabytes and overall optimizing this computer. For that reason the Tune Utilities 2008 optimization program gets an honorable Brontobyte on a scale of Bytes to Brontobytes. Check out our further review of all of the other utility functions of the TuneUp Utilities 2008 PC optimization program.

Want to try it?? Klik Here

Portable 7-Zip 9.01 Alpha (x32)

Portable 7-Zip 9.01 alpha (x32)

Portable 7-Zip 9.01 alpha (x32) | 1.22 MB

7-Zip is open source software. Most of the source code is under the GNU LGPL license. The unRAR code is under a mixed license: GNU LGPL + unRAR restrictions. Check license information here: 7-Zip license.You can use 7-Zip on any computer, including a computer in a commercial organization. You don't need to register or pay for 7-Zip. But you can make a donation to support further development of 7-Zip.

The main features of 7-Zip
* High compression ratio in new 7z format with LZMA compression
* Supported formats:
o Packing / unpacking: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR
* For ZIP and GZIP formats, 7-Zip provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 % better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip
* Strong AES-256 encryption in 7z and ZIP formats
* Self-extracting capability for 7z format
* Integration with Windows Shell
* Powerful File Manager
* Powerful command line version
* Plugin for FAR Manager
* Localizations for 74 languages

7-Zip 9.01 alpha was released.
What's new after 7-Zip 9.00 alpha:
- A memory leak in LZMA2 code was fixed.
- Some bugs were fixed.

What's new after 7-zip 4.65:
- 7-Zip now supports LZMA2 compression method.
- 7-Zip now supports XZ archives.
- 7-Zip now can unpack NTFS, FAT, VHD and MBR archives.
- 7-Zip now can unpack GZip, BZip2, LZMA, XZ and TAR archives from stdin.
- 7-Zip now can open/copy/compress disk images (like \\.\c:) from \\.\ folder.
- 7-Zip File Manager now doesn't use temp files to open nested archives stored without compression.
- New -scrc switch to calculate total CRC-32 during extracting / testing.
- Some bugs were fixed.

Home - http://www.7-zip.org/

Like It Download Here
Pass: www.dl4all.com

Senin, 20 April 2009

Portable Google Chrome Multilang

Shortly after 12:00 PM PDT today, Google released the beta version of its new web browser, Google Chrome. Currently it’s only available for Windows Vista and XP, and only in 32-bit. I downloaded it and took it for a test drive.

Whenever I install software on Windows, I always customize the installation to eliminate the desktop icon, if that option is provided. I wasn’t disappointed:

Note that Chrome can import your settings from Firefox and others. I thought it was interesting that “Make Google Chrome the default browser” was not checked by default.

Here’s the default start page, which includes your most visited sites and recent bookmarks:

As you can see, Chrome uses tabs like other browsers, but it doesn’t use tabs like other browsers. According to the story, each tab is a separate process (which I verified in Task Manager). You’ll note also that each tab gets its own address bar. I was relieved to find that Ctrl-T opens a new tab, just like in Firefox.

I found it odd that Chrome overrides my Windows theme and chooses its own rendering for the containing frame (I’m using the Vista Basic theme, which should have colored the frame in a graduated gray-blue. It’s not annoying, but it’s a “does not play well with others” feature.

There is no separate “search” box in Chrome. Rather, you use the address bar, which Google calls the “Omnibox” (maybe for omniscient). For instance, when I type “google chrome” in the Omnibox, I get:

The suggested results include not only recently visited sites that mention “google chrome”, but also popular Google search results for “google chrome” and an explicit “Search Google for chrome”. No more remembering which box to type into.

First impressions: fast. Much faster than Firefox. There are several possible reasons. First, keeping each tab in its own process allows for a cleaner memory management model.

Second, Google has kept this product very simple so far. Alas, that means there is no facility for extensions short of downloading the open source and adding what you need. Simple is also why they chose the Apple WebKit rendering engine.

Finally, they’ve created their own JavaScript engine called V8, which provides the following speed improvements:

  1. Multi-threading. I’m not sure what challenges that may pose for existing single-threaded code, or how to make use of multi-threading explicitly.
  2. Dynamic compilation to native code. Zoom.
  3. Hidden class transitions: optimizing for repetitive composition of similar classes.
  4. “Precise” garbage collection. They keep better track of pointers to objects, and release them as soon as they are no longer referenced.

I ran Mozilla’s own benchmark test for JavaScript at dromeao, comparing various browsers. Depending on the operation, Chrome could be roughly 2 to 20 times faster than Firefox or Safari (Internet Explorer 7 kept timing out on me, so you can assume it’s much worse). You can peruse the hard numbers if you’re curious for Google Chrome beta, Firefox 3.0.1, and Safari 3.1.2, but here’s a visual (shorter bars are faster):

Since Chrome boasts of its memory management model, I decided to load up the same four sites in both Chrome and Firefox to compare. Firefox’s one process consumed 84 MB. Chrome’s six processes totaled 91.5 MB. As I closed the tabs down to one, however, Firefox dropped only down to 75 MB, while Chrome’s three processes totaled 49 MB. Reloading the same three pages I just unloaded bumps Firefox up to 88 MB, but Chrome only came back up to 89 MB total. Firefox users are all too familiar with Firefox’s memory creep syndrome to fail to appreciate this difference.

The options dialogs are pretty straightforward as what you would expect to find, but I was impressed by the built-in developer features:

View source automatically comes up in a new tab instead of a separate window (nice). I haven’t figured out how to use the JavaScript debugger yet, but the JavaScript console appears to have some nice features:

Another feature that deserves mention is “incognito mode” (New incognito window, or Ctrl+Shift+N), which opens a new browser that will save none of your personal information — aka “porn mode”. As they warn in the Learn more link, this will not prevent web sites you visit from gathering information from your session, however.

Overall I’m really impressed with this browser. The one thing I’d miss most if I switched would be my beloved Firefox extensions. But the speed difference is impressive.

On the other hand, Shelley Powers expresses concern over how well Chrome will support emerging standards, like HTML5 and the new ECMAScript standards. She also questions Google’s motives for introducing yet another combatant into the browser wars. Obviously Google wants to increase its influence on the web, and perhaps building their own client may add leverage to their applications. Will we come to a point where Google can say, “best viewed with Chrome” and let other browsers fend for themselves? Will future standards be dictated by what Google wants? At least the project is open source, so other browsers can learn from Chrome if they so choose.

But just how revolutionary is this browser, anyway? In an email to me before Chrome was released, Shelley quipped: “Hard to say, all we’ve seen is a comic book. Other comic books bring us people who can fly and spin webs–what Google promises with Chrome could be just as far fetched and fanciful.”

If you’re looking for a grand new design for the client side of the web, then you’d be expecting too much. What Chrome provides is more of the same paradigm, but more efficient and arguably more user-friendly.

What do you think of Google Chrome? Like it Download Here
if any password input these: www.dl4all.com

Portable Acoustica Photos Forever 1.0

Did you know that half of all photos are now digital? And, of those photos, most are transferred to a computer and never backed up?!? Your most precious memories are at the mercy of a hacker, a new strain of virus, or a simple, common every day computer crash.

But with Photos Forever, it's boiled down to a few clicks.

If you have hundreds of photos, backing them up over multiple CDs could be quite a daunting task. It finds your photos, where ever they might be. It tells you how many CDs or DVDs you'll need and then proceeds to burn them! After each disc is done, a sound chimes to let you know it's ready for the next one! After the discs are created, it'll even print out a convenient 'key' list so that you can reference what picture is on which CD!!

Key features
· Easy to use multi-CD/DVD Photo CD/DVD backup system!
· Finds all your photos where ever they may be.
· Prints out a very handy photo key list so you can match up the photos to the CDs
· Backs up your JPG, BMP, TIF, PNG and raw formatted photos
· Literally back up all your photos in 5 clicks, including the one to launch the software! CDs created will play back in DVD players that have support for "JPEG Photo CDs"

What's New
*Added file types configuration, more supported recorders, bug fixes

Download Here

Pass: www.dl4all.com

Sabtu, 18 April 2009

Portable Registry Winner

Registry Winner™ claims to be the most advanced technology in pc diagnosis and repair. It can do a complete scan of the pc errors such as system slowdown, freezing, crashing and deadlock. Safely optimize the speed of system and set your PC in a fantastic performance!

Registry Winner™ is a top-ranking error-resolution technology which will fix the computer errors and optimize the system speed. Various annoying problems will gradually appear like slow speed, crashing or freezing, blue screen, deadlock, error messages etc. after your computer being used for a period of time.

Registry Winner™ uses the most advanced technology to scan your hard driver and give you a comprehensive diagnosis in seconds. Once the problems have been located, Registry Winner™ offers you a professional and highly-efficient solution to set your PC in a fantastic state! By using Registry Winner™ regularly, your system should not only be more stable but it will also help streamline your pc registry without expensive hardware upgrades.

Registry Winner™ Features and Advantages:
• Check Invalid User Settings
• Check Invalid System Settings
• Check Invalid Application Paths
• Check Recently Used Files
• Check Invalid Class Keys
• Validate Active-X, OLE & COM Objects
• Check Uninstall Sections
• Check Invalid Fonts
• Runtime Errors
• DLL Errors
• Windows Startup Errors
• Internet Explorer Errors
• Java Errors
• javascript Errors
• Check Shared DLLs
• Validate Startup Programs
• Check Invalid Shortcuts
• Check Invalid File Associations
• Check Invalid Start Menu Items
• Check Recently Used Files
• Delete Empty Registry Keys
• Checks System Services
• Blue Screen
• Driver Errors
• System Crashes
• Task Manager Related
• Most Registry Problems
• Organize Quicker Startup Programs
• Fix Report
• Auto-Backup & Full Backup
• Ignore List
• Computer Management
• Windows Update
• System Properties
• Control Panel
• Disk Defragmenter
• Disk Cleanup
• Local Security Settings
• Local Users and Groups
• Group Policy Editor
• Security Center
• Device Manager
• Event View
• Disk Management
• Performance Monitor
• Add/Remove Manager
• BHO Manager
• Internet Options
• Scheduler
• Load Windows Faster
• Run Applications Smoothly
• Regain More Disk Space
• High-performance scanning
• Automatic Updates
• Unlimited Free Technical Support

Download Here

Shape Shifter (Game House)

Step right up for a one-of-a-kind puzzler!

Step right up for a one-of-a-kind puzzler that will amaze your brain and astound your senses. See! amazing shapes. Place! them into matching shape cutouts. Featuring two thrilling game modes and beautifully rendered illustrations, this incredible mix of action, intrigue and fun from the creators of Super Collapse! II is sure to delight and surprise.

Game details:
* Unlimited Play
* Two Exciting Game Modes
* Immersive Sound Effects
* Whimsical Music
* Beautiful Full Screen Display

System Requirements:
- Windows ME/Windows XP/Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows 2000
- 200 MHz Pentium or equivalent
- 32MB RAM
- DirectX 5.0

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